Why should anyone come to me for a golf lesson? What do I do that is different? Even if I wrote a book you would still have to experience an individual lesson with me to "get it". That's no fault of yours, it’s just that I am not that "good of a writer". Even though that hasn't stopped many "authors" on the subject, the ailing swings of golfers won't be cured with another useless instruction manual. So,....
What do I do that is different?
I train the mind. The body knows what to do, but will only perform as well as the instruction it receives from the mind. If we focus on doing what is correct, then there is no need for our "focus" to be fractured figuring out what is wrong that needs "fixing". Just do what you know to do that is correct. Hmm..
If you haven’t already done so, browse my web site, please!
The gist: There is no need to make a career out of:
1. Searching for the latest “fix” for your golf swing, although the golf magazines would go out of business if somebody didn't dream up some new “secret” every month;
2. Continually shopping for the latest and greatest golf clubs because the folks who only sell clubs will promise something next year that will eliminate ..... all those par 3 "layup shots", an additional 10 yards off the tee (by my calculations, an extra 10 yards a year for 40+ years....I should be driving the ball 500-600 yards, (accounting for old age of course) or whatever. Duhh...
Learn what to do to swing correctly. Buy custom fit golf clubs. Clubs that do what you need, for the way you play. Then spend your golfing career perfecting what you know to do. That is really what I teach.